Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Veggie Wraps for Hot Nights

I have gotten to the point where quick, cold food sounds really good to me once or twice a week in the summer.  Most nights I don't mind a bit of time and labor for a good result, but once in a while I want a sandwich.  This veggie wrap is a tasty and cool meal on a day when you want something light.

Spread three tablespoons of hummus on a tortilla.  Add some carrot shreds, edamame beans, roasted red pepper, cucumber slices, mixed greens, and some dill and wrap up.  Serve with delicious pickles.  I like mine from Brooklyn Brine Co. but there are a lot of ways to go on that one.  This is just one combination of veggies, pretty much any combo sounds good.  I roasted my pepper in the morning before it got too hot and it complimented the wrap very well.

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